From Bulgaria with Love: The Mysterious Story of La Sultana

La Sultana, Tangier, Morocco, Leica MP, CineStill XX

Bulgaria is absolutely killing it.

Just when I thought my trip to Morocco couldn't get any more surprising, I stumbled upon La Sultana - a magnificent yacht with Bulgarian roots. Being Bulgarian myself, I know that we're not typically known for producing the most sophisticated and beautiful machines. However, La Sultana was a stunning exception and a true masterpiece. Let me share with you the incredible story behind this exceptional vessel.

The Yacht's History

As I delved into the history of La Sultana, I was deeply moved by the incredible resilience and spirit of this exceptional yacht. Built-in Bulgaria's largest shipyard in 1962, La Sultana was originally named Aji-Petri and functioned as a passenger and cargo ship for the Russian fleet.

However, during the Cold War, Aji-Petri was transformed by the Soviet Union into a spy ship and radio relay, a move that speaks to the vessel's remarkable versatility and adaptability. Throughout this challenging time, La Sultana stood firm and played a crucial role in the Soviet Union's space exploration age.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, La Sultana underwent a seven-year total reconversion led by a team of naval construction and navigation professionals, overseen by the French naval architecture company Orion Naval Engineering and flag authorities. The aluminum superstructure was rebuilt to its original shape, and the decks were redone in ipe wood, resulting in a beautiful blend of tradition and modernity.

The story of La Sultana, a yacht with Bulgarian roots and a mysterious past as a spy ship, instantly captivated me. As someone who is proud of my Bulgarian heritage, I am inspired by the resilience and ingenuity of the people who built this remarkable vessel. Despite its history, La Sultana has been transformed into a masterpiece, blending classic lines with modern technology. It is a testament to what can be accomplished with hard work and vision. The fact that this yacht once used for espionage, is now a symbol of beauty and elegance only adds to its allure. La Sultana is a true gem, and I feel privileged to have learned about its fascinating history.

Philately Club of Sofia

I have always had a passion for exploring the unknown and uncovering hidden gems. So when I stumbled upon the story of La Sultana, a yacht with a fascinating history, I knew I had to learn more.

As I delved into the history of this remarkable vessel, I discovered that there were three postage stamps depicting La Sultana, two of which were from Bulgaria. Determined to add these stamps to my collection, I reached out to a philately club in Sofia.

Two kind and knowledgeable gentlemen helped me track down and purchase the two Bulgarian stamps from the 1980s. Not only that, but they also managed to discover the entire series from each stamp. It was absolutely fascinating! Holding the stamps in my hand, I felt a connection to the yacht's Bulgarian origin and its intriguing spy history.

Keeping a travel diary had become a habit of mine, documenting my adventures and the emotions they evoke. Each adventure ended with the purchase of a postage stamp, a tangible memento of my experiences.

My adventure to Morocco and the discovery of La Sultana would forever be linked to the two stamps of the yacht. Adding them to my collection, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that I had uncovered a small piece of history and made a personal connection to my homeland.

Pictures from the Neighbourhood

NOTE TO SELF: Embrace the unknown and explore the world with curiosity, for you never know what hidden gems you may discover.



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